Resource centre
Find here reports, policy briefs and factsheets about child marriage, as well as capacity building tools for organisations and individuals working to end child marriage.
Girls Not Brides: The Global Partnership to End Child Marriage is not responsible for content hosted on third party websites.
The latest child marriage evidence, working in partnership and research funding landscape
Three briefs synthesising the evidence and insights shared during the CRANK’s online research convening.
Evidence review: Child marriage interventions and research from 2020 to 2022
Review looking at emerging evidence on interventions to prevent and respond to child marriage and support married girls. Includes key takeaways organised by theme and recommendations for child marriage research, programming, policy and funding.
Khel Ek Seekh: A handbook of sports-based games and activities to enable facilitators to initiate dialogues on gender with adolescents and youth
Handbook for facilitators using sports-based games and activities to build leadership, communication and teamwork amongst adolescents and youth, while also advancing gender equality. Available in English and Hindi.
Care and child, early and forced marriage and unions (CEFMU) in Latin America and the Caribbean
This report analyses the causes, impacts and possible solutions for care and CEFMU.
Child, early and forced marriage and unions: Harmful practices that deepen gender inequality in Latin America and the Caribbean
Report highlighting the role of child, early and forced marriage and unions in deepening gender inequalities for girls and adolescents. Includes statistical and qualitative information, a focus on domestic and care tasks and recommendations for actions to address the practice at the regional and national levels.
Guidelines for ethical communications around child marriage: Principles, best practice and tools
Guidelines outlining ethical communications principles and good practices for the end child marriage movement, and including the practical considerations and tools needed to deliver on them.
Girls’ education and child marriage
Brief exploring the key facts, two-way impacts, common drivers and solutions on education and child marriage. Updated in September 2022.
CRANK Research Spotlight: Successful multisectoral and multilevel approaches to address child marriage
Brief summarising the latest research and evidence, with key takeaways from featured studies, and highlighting current evidence and funding gaps. It also includes tools for practitioners to strengthen design and…
Tanzania Ending Child Marriage Network: Sharing our journey, insights and learning
Report showcasing one of the first National Partnerships in Africa seeking to end child marriage. It includes insights and learning in building a strong coalition and advocating for changes to policy and social norms over the past 10 years.
Tackling the Taboo in Latin America and the Caribbean: Sexuality and gender-transformative programmes to address child, early and forced marriage and unions
Report and case studies with insights on how control of adolescent girls’ sexuality drives child marriage and early unions in Latin America and the Caribbean, and gender-transformative responses by community-based organisations.